Fall Season 2024

Fall 2024 Season Map

Every season we focus on a key skill for our young explorers and this fall our focus skill is... Focus! Our "Focus" curriculum is designed to help kids hone the symphony of skills we use to direct, shift, and sustain our attention. 

Our lessons follow a steady progression and are organized into three experiential, child-led units around the following themes:

For more general information about class format, click here.

How we will help kids "Focus"!

Throughout the series, we’ll leverage the captivating natural world to teach kids several building blocks of focus: how to feel present in the moment; how to zoom in and zoom out; how to wonder; and how to follow our interests. Throughout our series, we’ll also reinforce rituals that help us feel both grounded and open to discovery. 

In our Our Treasures unit, we zoom in on the natural treasures within our outdoor spaces. In our Our Spaces unit, we zoom out to notice what is happening and changing in our biomes—up, down and all around us. In our final Our Focus Tools unit, we zoom inwards on the “tools” and strategies we can use to support ourselves as we focus on the ability to imagine original ideas or solutions to problems and make them happen. 

Read more about how strengthening focus helps kids learn here.

Fall Season Dates/ Times

This session will run for 8 weeks commencing the week of September 8 2024 with the last class on the week commencing November 3 2024. Please note there will be no classes the week of October 13 - 19. The season end date may be extended if a class needs to be rescheduled due to weather or teacher absence.

Choose from the following class options (classes must reach minimum enrollment to run):

Don't see a class that works for you?

I am always interested in opening new classes where I see enough demand. Tell me what dates/times you need by filling out this form.

Fall Class Fees (8 Weeks)

One full season explorer aged 1.5 - 8 years = $160 

Full season family rate (20% discount on sibling enrollment) = $288

Class costs are prorated after the season begins. 

*All siblings of enrolled explorers who are under 18 months at the time of the season start are welcome to attend and do not need to be registered, but please be aware that any individual materials for explorers will not be prepped for them.

Please see the Scholarships page if you require financial assistance.

Trial Classes

Trial classes are a great way to find out if 'Nature Play with Vicky' is a good fit for you and your family! You may register for an in-season trial subject to availability at the special trial rate of $10 per child or $15 per family. Class costs can be prorated if you decide to join after your trial. Only one trial is available per family.

Pre-registration for all trial classes is required and can be done through the dedicated trial classes enrollment form on the trial classes page.

If you have any questions, I can be contacted directly at natureplaywithvicky@gmail.com